Climate Change
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Films from verifiable sources.
Creative Films from directors around the world.
Feature Films
Climate Change & War in Ukraine
Water Crisis
NGO: African Climate Reality Project
NGO: Schools For Future - Honest Government Ad
Climate Change In North America
North America has more capacity to adapt to climate change than most other continents. ... Coastal development and pollution will interact with climate change impacts to stress coastal communities and habitats. Storm impacts are likely to be more severe, thanks to rising sea levels, along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts.
Climate Change Explained
To discuss a real doable solution, we first need to understand the problem. Here a collection that could tell people, how should we understand climate change?
Renewable Energy
Climate Change And Animals
Humans and wildlife face new survival challenges due to climate change. More frequent and intense droughts, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live, and wreak havoc on people's livelihoods and communities.
Climate Change And Public Health
Climate change has medical impacts on our body’s health. It is threatening the lives of children born now and future generations. Responding to climate change is good for public health.
Climate Change In Latin America
Latin America's climate is changing. Precipitation patterns are shifting, temperatures are rising, and some areas are experiencing changes in the frequency and severity of weather extremes such as heavy rains. The impacts range from melting Andean glaciers to devastating floods and droughts.
Climate Activists - Der Pilger
Daily Life
Video Essay
NGO: Greenpeace
Climate Change In Africa
Africa, like the rest of the world has been experiencing negative impacts of global warming and climate change. Over the past decades, there has been increased incidents of cyclones, droughts, heatwaves, cold waves, flooding, wildfires, irregular rainfalls patterns and spread of disease.
Climate Justice
Climate change is one of the central ethical and political challenges of our time. Millions of lives and livelihoods are threatened by a rapidly escalating climate crisis.
Pollution leads to climate change
2022 UFM Festival Awards
Climate Change: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Earth Day
Fridays For Future
Reality: What Is Happening?
We know it’s happening, and we know why: carbon pollution from fossil fuels is warming our planet and throwing natural systems out of balance. You don’t have to look far to see the results. Hotter temperatures, extreme weathers, rising sea levels, and so much more, threatening the health of our families and the future we pass on to generations to come.
Climate Change In Europe
European regions, including urban areas are particularly vulnerable to climate change. In the coming years is likely to increase the frequency of flooding across Europe . Heavy rainstorms are projected to become more common and more intense due to higher temperatures, with flash floods expected to become more frequent across Europe.
Climate Change Awareness
The climate crisis is impending. Therefore awareness raising is a important component of the adaptation process manage the impact of climate change.
Letzte Generation
2022 UFM Festival Entries
Youth On Strike
In March 2019 Australian students defied calls to stay in school and went on strike for climate change action. One month out 12 students starting vlogging everything, this is their story.
NGO: Die Deutsche Umwelthilfe
Public Discussion
Climate Migration
Climate change and related extreme weather events have been shown to cause human migration around the globe.
Tomorrow Of Change
The climate crisis is already here. No one knows what the future holds for the future generation.
Steve Cutts
Climate Change & Pandemic
The Future We Can And Must Choose: Save Our Planet From Climate Change
A lot has changed since we first heard about the possible impacts of climate change. Starting with the Rio Earth Summit, then the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, action on a global scale is accelerating. Now more than ever, it's important that we use our actions, our votes and our voices to tell the world that action on climate is absolutely necessary.
Melting Arctic - Heating Up the North
Childrens Visions
Climate Change The Ways Out
Al Gore - The Climate Reality Project
NGO: Parents For Future
Films from Filmscools
Climate Change In Asia
The impacts of extreme weather and climate change across Asia have caused the loss of thousands of lives, displaced millions of people, and cost hundreds of billions of dollars, while taking a heavy toll on infrastructure and ecosystems. According to a new multi-agency report coordinated by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), sustainable development is threatened, with food and water insecurity, health risks and environmental degradation all on the rise.
Missconseptions About Climate Change
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Didn't pay attention to an important statement online?
Then by all means please send us a link to a climate-change-related film (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo). We will review each film and then include the best ones into the Media Library.
If you want to send us a downloadable link (WeTransfer, Google Drive) of your own climate-change-related film, please include a statement of approval that we may incorporate it into the Media Library.