After our successful collaboration on campaigns about climate change and education, UFM and SOS – Kinderdörfer weltweit will launch a new joint project putting migration and integration in its focus.
Migration and integration, especially of children, are topics that will change societies for years to come. We work with filmmakers from countries such as Uganda, Colombia, Greece & Bangladesh to give us their unique voices and insight on these important issues.
Please have a look at this years´ filmmakers here.
The festivals are concluded but you can see all the winner festival films on our UFM Festival Page.
UFM Childrens Visions 2023 EDUCATION

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UFM Childrens Visions 2022 CLIMATE CHANGE

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What is Unified Filmmakers?
We as filmmakers can make an important contribution in order to solve the many challenges our world faces! Not many other things in society can create an immediate impact as film does! Image and sound are the ingredients of a language that is most profound and universal. With the Unified Filmmakers Platform, we want to support and inspire filmmakers to work together across national borders and make films about important issues of the future. Above all we want to create a stronghold that can sustain itself, a network of filmmakers from every country that can create new opportunities for collaboration.
What are we working on?

Unified Filmmakers Network is going to be our next big addition! It is currently in the alpha phase and is confidently headed towards the release date.
With the UNIFIED FILMMAKERS NETWORK it is our goal to connect filmmakers from all over the world and to offer them an audiovisual stage on which they have the chance to present themselves and to start communication with each other! We want to inspire international cooperations on global and social relevant films as much as possible. If filmmakers unify their efforts, in order to make films about the challenges the world is facing today, we will have a loud and strong voice that will add to and influence the way in how we change the world for the better.
Besides the submitted films there are many other relevant films out there, which are related to the annual topic of our festival.
We want to honour and respect them as well and have created a specific place for them: The UNIFIED FILMMAKERS MEDIA LIBRARY. Here you can rummage but also research actively for content. You will find a huge variety of films but also media content from the web on our topic.
In addition we want to use the media library as a stage for extraordinary works of young filmmakers who do not necessarily have the chance of commercial distribution or to be seen elsewhere. We will do this for a limited time to give these young filmmakers and their movies a chance to be seen globally and to find potential partners for upcoming projects. For a limited time only to not affect the commercial value and integrity of their work!

The UNIFIED FILMMAKERS MARKETPLACE wants to offer filmmakers a forum where they can present their future projects and find potential investors and comrades-in-arms.
Instead of laboriously sending a project to various and completely unknown distributors and producers, hoping that someone will react to the proposal, UNIFIED FILMMAKERS can go on the offensive and use all sorts of creative means to present their project on our platform, if it is in word, as a video or a song, you name it!. Let’s build an effective and creative network for all of us! This will put YOU as a filmmaker into a completely different negotiation position from the get go, and in a best case scenario you can choose between several interested parties and select a partner or partners, which best suit your project.
Of course, we are always happy to welcome new members and supporters.
Anyone interested in joining our team is welcome to contact us at