The Bliss Of Ignorance

Through first-hand testimony The Bliss of Ignorance investigates South Africa’s complex relationship with one of the country’s most abundant resources: coal.   With experts predicting the creation of a “sick” generation in the Mpumalanga region (which is home to twelve of the world’s largest power stations), this documentary looks at the impact of South Africa’s energy policy – particularly the support for Eskom’s coal-fired power stations – on public health.   In February 2015, the country’s energy utility Eskom was granted five years grace from complying with atmospheric emission standards, making this film even more timely and relevant.   Set against the wider climate change debate, The Bliss of Ignorance highlights how the mining and burning of coal affects the environment; polluting air and valuable water resources in a water-scarce country. In 2012, 17 000 people in Carolina, Mpumalanga were left without water because their local supply was polluted by acid mine drainage.   While making The Bliss of Ignorance the filmmaker – who has filmed and directed in a number of international locations – visited Durban, Pretoria, Johannesburg and Cape Town interviewing scientists, lawyers, professors, campaigners, doctors, university lecturers and representatives from Eskom.   He also lived in a township in Middleburg, Mpumalanga to learn first-hand from residents about the main health impacts and how pollution is affecting their lives and the lives of their children.   The Bliss of Ignorance is a production for Friends of the Earth International and groundWork, Friends of the Earth South Africa. Its release date is the 27th of July 2015.

Source: groundwork SA
Length: 29:04
Country: South Africa
Language: English
Date: 20.02.2017