Childrens Vision Campaign - Climate Change

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Climate change is real. If we do not act now, it will destroy our children’s future. Indeed, it is a children’s rights crisis. That’s why it’s necessary to listen to them and make their voices heard!
Therefore filmmakers from all over the world need to collaborate to draw people’s attention to the concerns, thoughts and hopes of our children. Because they are the ones who will suffer the most.
Let’s stand up together through joining our new campaign towards a better tomorrow:
THANK YOU TO ALL FILMMAKERS, who helped us to interview children in their respective countries. We like to hear candid responses from children from Argentina to Zimbabwe, from Canada to Japan, all in their native languages. Find them in UFM NETWORK - groups.
Help us to hear more children - everywhere - What do we need from you?
Technical conditions
- A recorded video call via Zoom or Teams or other platforms, make sure the sound is in a good quality and you have enough light in front of the camera.
In order to install subtitles, please send a written transcript in English along with your film. If you cannot produce it in English, please provide it in written form in your native language.
- If possible, try to record the children in front of a coloured background.
- You can place the kids wherever you want, as long as the sound and the picture are in good quality.
These are the questions for the interviews:
- Have you heard about climate change? What is climate change?
- Who is most to blame for climate change?
- What kind of consequences of climate change are you experiencing in your country?
- What are you and your family doing to slow down climate change?
- Do you have any idea for the adults how to protect our climate?
- If you were an engineer, what kind of machine would you invent to protect our climate?
- If you have personal or individual question ideas, please feel free to ask.
If you want to join this campaign, please get in contact with us at