Childrens Vision Campaign - Education

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Children are our planet’s future – and our own as well.
And that’s why it’s our job to listen to them and make their voices heard.
We want to present a profound view into the daily school life of children from all over the world.
We are creating mini-documentaries about children at school – from Argentina to Zimbabwe,
from Canada to Japan.
Feel free to join us!

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By loading the video, you agree to YouTube's privacy policy.
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It is possible to hear more children - everywhere and anytime!
Technical conditions
- A recorded video, make sure the sound is in a good quality and you have enough light in front of the camera.
In order to install subtitles, please send a written transcript in English along with your film. If you cannot produce it in English, please provide it in written form in your native language.
- If possible, try to record the children in their classroom.
These are the questions for the interviews:
- Which subject is your favourite and why?
- Is there a subject that you would like to learn, but is not taught in your school?
- What do you want to be in the future?
- Which three wishes you have for your school?
- Why is a teacher is an inspiration for you?
- What do you eat during the school day?
- If your parents go to school again, which subject do they have to learn?
If you want to join this campaign, please get in contact with us at