Polluters and Plunderers – The Roots of Africa’s Crisis

Through beautiful and moving animation, we tell a part of the story that rural, peasant and working-class communities across the African continent have confronted from the start of colonisation to the present day global neo-liberal capitalism. This is a story of lives and livelihoods disrupted and destroyed, of environmental catastrophe caused by unfettered extractives industries, of the violence perpetrated upon Brown and Black people whose lives are consistently devalued, and of the exploitation of women’s labour of care and violence perpetrated on their bodies. But, it is also a story of resistance led by women and communities as they rise to defend people and nature, and put forward a different vision of Africa and their ideas for a different life for its peoples freed from plunderers and polluters.
Director: WoMin African Alliance
Length: 03:21
Country: South Africa
Language: English
Year: 2021
Additional Info
Director Biography: WoMin is an alliance of organisations that span the African continent, working alongside national and regional movements and women’s organisations, communities impacted by mining and mega-infrastructure development projects to expose the impacts of extractivism on African women and advance women-centred and just development alternatives. WoMin works in 11 countries in West, East and Southern Africa to assert a radical and African ecofeminist agenda in the conversation on the climate crisis, climate justice and ways to protect the future of the planet and its people from corporations, their allied governments and elites in the Global North and South.