A woman sleeping in her bed gets attacked by a rather large coronavirus. This movie was shot under the circumstances of the lockdown, in our private flat. Winner of the Quarantino Indoor Filmfestival 2020 by agency Jung von Matt Hamburg.
Director: Martin Brachvogel
Length: 08:22
Country: Austria
Language: No Dialog
Year: 2020
Additional Info
Director Statement: Suddenly we were sitting there. At home. In our apartment. Nothing worked anymore. From one day to the next we were torn out of our daily work, the theater rehearsals, the performances. Because that's what Follow the Rabbit actually does: theater, performances - already for 16 years in Graz. That was the end of it for the time being. After we had gotten over the initial shock, we started to work on our first stop-motion short film - a project we normally wouldn't have had the time for. And so, equipped with some dough and our smartphone, we plunged into the fantasy of a horror action film. At first, we didn't want to do anything with it except have fun, pass the time. It was this naive approach that led to a result that reflects the sheer fun of the project and still has deep psychological symbolism. We must (unfortunately?) say: Without the Coronavirus all this would never have come about.
Producer: Martin Brachvogel, Nadja Brachvogel
Writer: Martin Brachvogel, Nadja Brachvogel
Cast: Nadja Brachvogel