Which Role Do Incidence And Vaccination Rate Play In The 4th Corona Wave
In Germany, the number of infections has been rising continuously for three weeks. The seven-day incidence rate is 15. Is this a sign of the fourth wave in Germany? And how can it be stopped? ZDF today is discussing this and more live with Ulrike Protzer, virologist at the Technical University of Munich. In the meantime, more than every second German has full vaccination protection, but by no means all of those who are still missing want to be vaccinated. The federal government rejects compulsory vaccination. ZDFheute discussed live about measures against a fourth wave and about which values we can still orientate ourselves. RKI boss Wieler wants to stick to the 7-day incidence as a leading indicator. It remains important for assessing the situation in Germany and initiating control measures at an early stage. Health Minister Spahn, on the other hand, wrote on Twitter on July 11th: "The incidence is becoming increasingly less meaningful."
Source: ZDFheute Nachrichten
Length: 0:31:58
Country: Germany
Language: German
Date: 28.07.2021